A lot has happened in the last few weeks. It feels like we have been on a dead sprint for most of August. We spent a week in San Diego and it was totally awesome. Natalie got some serious shopping done and I got some incidental “oh that looks cool” shopping done. Before we left Utah, we gave each other a budget for the week; Natalie spent her entire budget at H&M and I spent less then half of mine. We celebrated Natalie’s birthday in California with her family at the annual “Natalie and John Wyrick backyard birthday blow out.” Matt and Carrie came down from L.A. and brought the boys. It was way fun. I spent most of the party hunting for cats with Fisher. The beach was fantastic, incase you were wondering. The water temperature was 68 degrees, so it was a little cold at first but a refreshing cold. All and all it was a great trip. We returned from California and reported to work the next morning. Layton to San Diego is almost exactly 12 hours so we drove both ways in one day. Work was cracker-crazy. My boss had a death in the family so she was gone all week and one of the other proofers was gone too, so that left me in charge of the Microsoft account. I have since been promoted to the Microsoft account fulltime, which is nice. Before I was bouncing back and forth between Verizon Wireless and Microsoft and they are pretty different accounts. We had an urgent project that had to be submitted by week end so we scrambled all week. I’m not going to lie; it was nice to be super busy. I much prefer being busy to being bored.
So that brings us to the Labor Day weekend. Friday I only worked half day and then Natalie and I drove up to Rexburg for our friend Cassie’s wedding reception. (Rexburg was exactly the same as when we left, surprise surprise) We stopped at Ryan and Jordan’s house first and caught up for awhile. Jordan is due any day now (unless Ella has already been born and no one has told me yet). Cassie’s reception was nice. She looked happy, and tired. (Oh to be a newlywed again, (Natalie is totally going to chop me in the neck for saying that)) I was a little freaked out because Cassie’s whole family was there and they all look like clones. It’s creepy. To compound the issue they were all wearing the same dress, except Cassie of course. Families that look like twins but aren’t twins freak me out. After the reception we went to Craigo’s in Rexburg, one of our favorite restaurants in the burg. Friday was Natalie’s official birthday so we celebrated it something proper by ordering a giant cookie-monster. For those unfortunate souls that don’t know what a cookie-monster is I’ll tell you. It is a pie pan with a giant warm chocolate chip cookie on the bottom, topped with copious amounts of vanilla ice cream, topped with whipped cream, caramel, and chocolate. UMMMM … so good. So after driving to Rexburg, hanging out with the Gholsons, partying at Cassie’s reception, and gorging on a delicious cookie-monster; I was spent. So we drove home and I was exhausted, and I was pretty grumpy (allegedly). Natalie says I only communicated in grunts and whimpers the whole car ride back to Pocatello. I don’t even remember driving back to Pocatello. The only thing I remember is a dream about Josh Jackson selling crystal meth and me being super pissed about it. Any way the rest of the weekend was chill-a-licious (stupid Blayne from Project Runway!). We hung out with Kyle and Dusty and my family and that was basically it. I did buy a bike this weekend and am pretty stoked about that. I figure I need a little more exercise in my life than wanting to go skateboarding. We came home Sunday night cause we just wanted a day to do nothing at home, and that’s what we did for the most part.
The big news is I now have a Facebook. I kicked against the pricks for so long, but Natalie finally broke me down. It has turned out to be a fortuitous thing however, I have found some old friends and that has been very cool. So I’m a Facebook-cadet now just like everyone else. Natalie told me that she always gets what she wants, eventually. And she’s right, I’m a wuss.
Other big news: we are looking at a house in Bountiful. It’s an older home, built in the 40’s, but remodeled recently. Of all the houses we have looked at, this one is the best and the one that feels the most like a home. We are stoked on it but still want to see other houses while we get the financial stuff taken care of. So progress is taking place in the finding a home department. Other stuff has happened I’m sure, I think I’ve hit on the most applicable tid-bits of Ormond family fun though. I’m sure Pictures of California, Rexburg, Labor Day weekend, and house will appear in the future. Stay tuned folks…