Tuesday, March 6, 2012

2012 so far....

I have mixed feelings about the way this year is panning out. I know it's barley March, but things are so different.

That "great job" that I had at the start of the year went south real quick. I have been debating about posting a post I wrote about back in January, but I keep stopping myself from posting it. It's a not very nice post where I go into detail about how that company and it's owners are dishonest terrible people. The gist is: they wanted/expected me to work 24/7 for them (nights,weekends, holidays) even after I put in my 40 hrs, which when you have a baby is impossible and I'm not an on call Design Doctor. So they let me go, which was for the best. I just wish I could have quit on my terms. The dishonest thing is that they only paid me for 2 weeks and not the full month I worked. So I'm out 1,600.00. Which sucks because, hello, I earned that money, it was horrible working for them and I'll never see the money!

I'm trying to put it behind me, but it just sucks because not having a job is hurting my family financially. I really feel like I was swindled into that job. Needless to say I hate them and they deserve the bad karma that will some day hit them. It always does. :)

But on the flip side I have spent 2 months staying at home with my Ollie Boy. It has been wonderful to have this time. I just wish I wasn't so stressed about finances and when one of these job interviews will turn into a job.

Ollie is a lot more fun now that he is older. He is 7 months! He laughs, rolls all over the floor, squeaks, squeals, loves to eat solid food, jumps and spins in his exersaucer, is interested in buttons, zippers, tags, cats, finger nails, snow. The list goes on and on.

I would still love to work from home, but freelance work right now is hard to find. So I have been applying for in house jobs (office jobs). I hope something works out soon. I know I just have to put my trust in God because it's his plan and I have to be patient to see what He has in store for my family.

PS being poor sucks because I miss going out to eat, shopping and getting my hair done.


Kylie said...

So I have to confess that I was feeling all jealous of you and your work-from-home job. :( Sorry it didn't work out! You are so talented, something will come up. And if it doesn't, you guys will make it work. Enjoy that Ollie time!

Nichole said...

Oh Natalie! I'm so sorry you are going through this. I'm always here if you want to talk. Job hunting is awful, Wesley is currently in the middle of that. Money Saving Mom is a really great blog for helping to save money and she sometimes posts info on work from home jobs. I will pray for you guys.

Tara Shirley said...

I still cringe knowing that I was the one to introduce you to them and get you all tangled up in their crap. You'll find something... keep at it. It was nice working with you again, even if it was only for a month.