The Kitties are so cute! I can't stand it. Above is a picuture of me attempting to make a "holiday craft," with the help of Yeti and Gnarly. They are so curious and want to get into everything. They love to play and wrestle with each other which is Josh and I's main entertainment now. If they aren't going crazy over a toy mouse or a string they are wrestling with each other. Its hilarious how kittens play!!!
They love to be picked up and carried around. They also love to sleep on your lap whenever you are sitting. Then when you sleep Yeti turns into a cat scarf. She wants to be right up in you face or preferably touching your face. This wakes us up. She is so sneaky about it. All of the sudden you are peacefully asleep and then BAM cat scarf! She doesn't quite get that we don't enjoy it as she does. Gnarly is the good cat at night. She curls up into the cat bed and falls asleep.
Today was a big day for them. We let them outside for the first time. But they didn't really venture off of a one foot radius on the porch because of all the snow. But it was so cute to watch them flick their paws after cautiously touching the snow.
I'm so happy about our cute kitties!
Jared had a Siamese Linx when he was a kid. He said it was awesome. Your kitties are so cute!
How adorable. Cat scarf! We've been letting the puppy sleep with us (probably not a good idea but whatever). Last night, once he rolled from behind my pillow and landed on my chest forming a "puppy scarf" and another time he leaned back and put his neck on my neck. Cute!
I wonder if I'll think our real babies are this cute and entertaining too. We decided when we have a baby they should just hand us a 10 month old (cuz that's when they get cute right?)
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