Living room
Living room also
Dining room
Sweet Hutch
So there are some more pictures of the house. I love love love the house. I really like how open it is and how it lets the sunlight in. I can't tell you how crazy I am about natural light and big windows. We are pretty much unpacked minus the framed photos that we need to hang. We will get around to it. Or I will because Josh gets too stressed out when we hang pictures. I can tell if something is 1 cm off and it drives Josh crazy because I always go and fix it. Sorry! :)
I have been working 10-13 hr days the past 3 weeks and it has been rough. It is catalog season and its a lot of work. But I enjoy the company of my co-workers so its really not that bad. I just wish I was home finishing up stuff around the house. I have been so tired. Design sometimes sucks the life out of me.
You will notice the "decorative sheet" in the living room. Its a make shift curtain until I find some fabric. I haven't had much time to search for a suitable print and when I have been looking I can't find anything! UT is worthless in the fabric dept. unless you are making a quilt or a baby blanket. There are no other fabric choices besides thin cotton or flannel. Its so dumb!!!! Don't people make anything else??? I'm going to try a store down on 72nd on Saturday and if that doesn't work ill make my way down to IKEA. They have some plain brown fabric curtains with the large grommets, but the grommets are silver and I'm looking for black. We shall see.
Bountiful is really nice so far. Our neighbors are nice and friendly. Our ward is great. I don't feel like an outcast. People introduce themselves to us. It is just great! We got callings yesterday too. We are both teaching the 5 yr. olds in primary. Josh is completely freaked out. We have 11 kids. That age is easy. You teach the lesson, do an art project that correlates with the lesson and give them a treat a long as they behave. Plus kids are so cute and funny when they are five!
I have so much to blog about! A lot has happened especially Obama being the president and prop 8 passing! I am so excited that Obama is the president. He just seems so sincere and honest. Hes real! I feel that he will do everything in his power to fix the financial crisis and get us out of Iraq. He also is so motivating and hopeful. Plus his campaign advertising was a breath of fresh air. It is time for new leadership and a republican to take a vacation from being the president. ( *disclaimer* I am not a republican nor a democrat, I simply vote for the candidate that I feel will best lead our country)
Josh and I also went snowboarding this past saturday. I am still super sore, because it was our first day of the season. We had a lot of friends come and party at our new house this weekend. Dustin, Kate, Taylor, Cody, Beth and Kyle. Its always great to be surround by good friends. I am still super sore, but it was totally worth it.
I'm not sure where I saw it, maybe design sponge or something, but I say find a good quality fabric, even a solid color, and then print it yourself. That totally sounds like you (to me).
Do you have a Downeast Home store? Sometimes they have nice quality brand curtains for cheap.
I love your house, and I can't wait to see your window treatment. It sounds like they will look great.
As for Obama I agree with you, maybe he is what the nation needs right now. He can get people excited and motivate them. Pluse his little girls are cute and it will be fun to see pictures and stories about him and his family in the white house.
As for his campaign it was about as original as oatmeal. He made promises he knew were out of his power to keep and threw as much mud as the next guy. I will be interested to see what he can do.
Sorry to get too political, I just had to comment :)
Hopfully your days slow down a bit at work.
Love you guys!
Am I going to be able to see you all at Christmas? I hope so!
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