Steven Seagal now has a reality TV series on A&E: Steven Seagal: Lawman. Apparently kicking major trash in the movies wasn’t enough and Steven had to bring his neck break’n into the real world. And he’s been cracking skulls in Louisiana as a cop for over 20 years! I know, I know Louisiana should be the safest place in the world to live right? Wrong. There are plenty of bad guys for Steven to roundhouse kick through a convenience store window. Check out the trailer. When I saw this on TV I started squealling so loud Natalie came running down stairs and was like "Is a Twighlight commercial on?"
This show just proves that Steven Seagal is capital R Real (I’m beginning to rethink my position on Santa Claus). Watch the trailer and then watch the show Wednesday nights on A&E. If this show gets cancelled there’s no telling what Steven will do. But I’ll be putting my local Comcast employee in a submission hold until he gives up the name of his boss. Then I'm going to embark on a single minded quest to bring the show back. No matter how many doors I have to kick in, or how many henchmen I have to put down. My quest will be righteous and my violence justified.
You're crazy. I like you... but you're crazy
Serious Segal is the man, forget Chuck Norris!
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