It's has been Fall for about a month now. I have neglected to post about it because I'm not one to look forward to cold weather, or any weather for that matter. I'm from San Diego, I can't help it! However, I have actually started to enjoy Fall. Fall in UT is a million times better then Fall in Rexburg, ID. It actually stays somewhat warm (50-70 degrees) and doesn't really snow. It has only snowed once this fall. Plus the leaves actually change into beautiful colors. The above picture are some of the leaves from our dinning room window.
The only pain about Fall is all of the fallen leaves which need to be raked. We have a lot of trees and neighboring trees in our yard. Fallen apples and leaves are not cool. They smell gross. I learned last year raking up soggy-wet-after-the-snow-has-melted-leaves is much worse. It's best to get it done now.
Saturday Josh and I raked almost of the leaves into piles and shoved as much as we could into the street. We have a street leaf collector which is awesome because we don't have to bag any leaves! The house across the corner from us is for sale. Anyone want to be neighbors?
I came home to a Giant Crate&Barrel box the other day. You have no idea how happy I was! Gnarly promptly took ownership of the box once I hauled it inside. Cats are so funny about new things and ours in particular love new cardboard. They love ripping new boxes to shreds.
Josh and I have been in the house for one year now. Time has gone by so fast! I love our house so much. I remembered we made a "House Wish List" last year and surprisingly we checked off several things.
Low table behind the couch (thanks grandma Bee)
Coat Rack (Tai Pan)
Accent Wall around fireplace (Lowes and our manual labor)
New Desk (thanks mom & dad for bringing mine from home)
Dresser (thanks mom & dad for bringing mine from home and Grandma Bee's for the guest room)
New TV (purchased last weekend Panasonic 50" . . . its amazing)
New entertainment center & end tables (Ikea 3 day sale)
bar stools (Ikea 3 day sale)
reading chair(x2) for living room (Ikea 3 day sale)
Mini Ramp (Joshes awesome friend)
Bannister (Lowes and Jason for helping set it up)
Guest Bed-full (thanks Grandma Ruth and Jason for hauling it to us)
Guest Bed-twin (thanks mom & dad for bringing my old one from home)
Curtains (thanks mom for sewing them)
I know there are things missing, but you get the point. We scored killer deals for the most part. The rest were blessings.
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