Thursday, February 26, 2009

More animal fun—or horror

I don't know what it is about animals and advertising—it's the fire and forget weapon of the ad world. The previous Samsung spot still makes me laugh till I cry and it got me thinking about other great animal-centric ads. I'm going to start with one from 1997. TBWA Chiat/Day is the agency responsible. I can remember watching this as a kid and thinking it was the funniest thing I had ever seen. And look twelve years later I still remember the spot. That's pretty powerful brand recall. After seeing this as a kid I actually wrote a comic strip based on this commercial (if I find that I'll try to post it). There are many examples of good ads using animals, and there are defiantly a lot of terrible ads with animals. The next three are newer. I believe they ran in 2007 and I can't remember what agency produced these. They are so creepy though. Guaranteed to give you nightmares. Pay attention to the voice over acting. Haunting. Anyway, enjoy the spots—I sure have.

As a side note: is it weird that I get this jacked up about television commercials? You'd tell me right? At least I picked the right profession.

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